Welcome to the Pierce Lake Early Childhood Center!
The Pierce Lake Early Childhood Center is home to Chelsea School District's Preschool Program for children from birth to age 5. The preschool program uses the HighScope curriculum. We help children develop the skills necessary to succeed as they head into their K-12 careers. We are the first stepping stone in Chelsea School District's Portrait of a Graduate focusing on Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.
Upcoming Events
By The Numbers
Incoming Enrollment
Over half of incoming North Creek kindergarten and Young 5's students have graduated from the Chelsea School District Early Childhood Program.
Star Rating
The Early Childhood Program has a 5 star rating, the highest rating that can be received, from Great Start to Quality.
The Chelsea School District Early Childhood Program currently has over 120 learners enrolled in its programs.
Targeted Instruction
District staff focus their instruction on the 58 Key Developmental Indicators from the High Scope curriculum so that our preschool graduates enter North Creek with a solid foundation of learning.